Change sbi scheme from TLS to h2c

If your free5GC stop at following line:

2020/06/15 05:33:17 map[$and:[map[nfType:AUSF] map[$or:[map[allowedNfTypes:AMF] map[allowedNfTypes:map[$exists:false]]]]]]
[GIN] 2020/06/15 - 05:33:17 | 200 |    1.468791ms | | GET      /nnrf-disc/v1/nf-instances?requester-nf-type=AMF&target-nf-type=AUSF
ERRO[2020-06-15T05:33:17Z]/home/calee/go/src/free5gc/src/amf/nas/handler.go:41 free5gc/src/amf/nas.HandleNAS() Send to Nas Error: server no response         AMF=NGAP

And you have get some warning about:

[GIN] 2020/06/15 - 05:33:16 | 201 |    3.824574ms | | PUT      /nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances/17016187-e7de-4d75-8251-fbb6e763ad9b
2020/06/15 05:33:16 map[$and:[map[nfType:AMF] map[$or:[map[allowedNfTypes:PCF] map[allowedNfTypes:map[$exists:false]]]]]]
[GIN] 2020/06/15 - 05:33:16 | 200 |    2.263809ms | | GET      /nnrf-disc/v1/nf-instances?requester-nf-type=PCF&target-nf-type=AMF
WARN[2020-06-15T05:33:16Z]/home/calee/go/src/free5gc/src/pcf/service/init.go:151 free5gc/src/pcf/service.(*PCF).Start() AMF status subscribe Error[ server no response]  PCF=init
[GIN] 2020/06/15 - 05:33:16 | 201 |     108.772µs | | POST     /namf-comm/v1/subscriptions
2020/06/15 05:33:16 map[$and:[map[nfType:UDR] map[$or:[map[allowedNfTypes:PCF] map[allowedNfTypes:map[$exists:false]]]] map[nfServices:map[$elemMatch:map[nfServiceStatus:REGISTERED serviceName:map[$in:[nudr-dr]]]]]]]

This may be cause by you have change SBI from TLS to H2C and there is still encrypted data save in DB. You can use the following lines to clear DB and re-run free5GC.

$ mongo --eval "db.NfProfile.drop()" free5gc
