I started testing CHF (btw, great job that you have added support for charging ). I followed the example from Setup Charing for UE - free5GC . Everything works fine, but I can ping data only on uesimtun0. On the second slice (uesimtun1) there is no incoming traffic.
In f5gc webgui I see that both UL and DL traffic is reported for the first slice (offline charging / uesimtun0), but there is only UL traffic reported for the second slice (online charging / uesimtun1). Also when looking on ifconfig, there is TX traffic for uesimtun0, but no TX traffic for uesimtun1.
In logs there is repeating UPF error:
2024-04-18T20:48:58.043494929+02:00 [WARN][UPF][Perio] get Multiple USAReports error: queryMultiURR[map[1:[1 2] 2:[1 2]]]: invalid argument.
For my tests I use Ubuntu 20.04 on two VMs (first for Free5gc, second for UERANSIM).
How can I diagnose/enable incoming traffic for the second interface?
Kind Regards,