Dose free5GC support URR in SMF and UPF?


Hi everyone,

I would like to ask if free5GC supports Usage Reporting Rules (URR) in SMF and UPF.
If it does, could you please guide me on how to implement it?

Thank you in advance.

  Hello, free5GC supports Usage Reporting Rules (URR) in SMF and UPF. Regarding the implementation part, I share my example with you. Figure 1 is the network topology. You can refer the network topology. The steps are as follows:

Figure 1. Network Topology

Step 1:
Use ssh command on Visual Studio Code to connect to three virtual machines. They are UERANSIM, free5GC-CP, and UPF.

Step 2:
Comment out urrThreshold in free5gc/config/smfcfg.yaml, you can refer to Figure 2.

Figure 2

Step 3:
Run sudo tcpdump -i any -w test.pcap command on the virtual machine (virtual machine name is free5GC-CP).

Step 4:
Run UPF, free5GC-CP, and UERANSIM.

Step 5:
Terminate UPF, free5GC-CP, and UERANSIM.

Step 6:
Open the test.pcap file and view the packets of PFCP protocol. You can refer to Figure 3 and 4.

Figure 3

Figure 4

  When the SMF of the free5GC-CP sends the PFCP Session Establishment Request packet to UPF, you discover that packet has URR information and the PDR contains URR information.

Reference URL: Features - free5GC


The example of URR with a combination of free5GC v3.3.0 (2023.07.15) SMF and oai-cn5g-upf-vpp (VPP-UPF) based on travelping/upg-vpp is as follows.

There is an example of session information including UPF traffic in VPP-UPF.


Hi @wilson30139,

I successfully enabled URR in both the SMF and UPF by following your steps. Thank you very much for your response.

Hi @s5uishida,

Thank you for providing the information. It is good to know

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