Establish WIFI to connect real time UE

Hi i just want to know we are able to test n3iwf by using simulator UE . Is possible to test real UE for connecting via wifi(AP) to n3iwf with 5GC?

Hello @Sivaneshkumar, take a look at Ciro’s project, available at GitHub - LABORA-INF-UFG/Proto6G-Install: This repository describes steps for installing the elements that make up Proto6G (UE-non3GPP + N3IWF + Free5gc)., he used the n3iwf interface (not 3gpp), my project is to use the 3gpp interface and connect a real ue to the 5G core. If you were successful in accessing a 5G core resource, let us know here.

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hi @pabllobc as per the document they tested with UE simulator . They are not mention about how to connect real UE . Are you tested by using ciro project?

Boa tarde, desculpe pela demora na resposta. Consegui fazer aqui utilizando o tunel gtp criado no UE, para vc entender criamos a seguinte estrutura: 1. Notebook 1 (Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04) instalamos o UERANSIM, sendo carregado a GNB (padrão) e depois o (UE). Para que o celular consiga se conectar a interface de rede wifi serve de ponto de ancoragem. Assim que o celular físico (novo UE) se conecte ao wifi, redirecionamos todo acesso para sair pela interface criada pelo gtp (uesimtun1), vc pode verificar com ifconfig. 2. Notebook 2 (free5gc) configurado e recebendo as requisições do gtp.