How to use free5gc to transmit data or do some other experiments?

Hello, everyone, I’m new to free5gc, and I don’t know what instructions to use to transmit data with free5gc. Can someone give me some guidance? Thank you very much.

Hi there, since I am not sure whether you have completed the setup of free5GC, let’s assume you have successfully set up and started free5GC (Note: run the ./ command under the /free5gc directory).
Also, please remember to install UERANSIM (a UE/RAN Simulator) and the free5GC WebConsole, and then add an UE in the WebConsole. You can refer to Installing UERANSIM for guidance. Once all the above steps are completed, please follow the instructions at the same guideline to start UERANSIM (Note: follow the steps in the section “7. Testing UERANSIM against free5GC”).
If you have completed all the above steps, you can use ping -I uesimtun0 <wherever you want> to connect and transmit data.

If you are using PacketRusher (an innovative open-source project) to set up gNB and UE, you can refer to: PacketRusher.
Wishing you success in your testing.

Hello, the ping -I command is to send a fixed-size packet to the target host. What command should I use if I want to send the specified packet?

Hi there, if you’d like to set the packet size, you could use the ping command with -s option: ping -s <specified_packet_size> <target_host> .
If you want to test network bandwidth, you might try using iperf3. It allows you to customize file transfers, specify ports, and set the interval time for output data, among other features. You can refer to Iperf3 for more information.

For more advanced functionalities, you can try using hping3. It offers you customize various parts of the packet, including file transfers and specifying various packet fields, among other features. You can refer to hping3 for more information.

Thank you for your help. I will try it according to your guidance.

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