Installing free5gc using docker and configuring IP adresses



I am a beginner with free5gc and I plan to install it using the docker method on a ubuntu vm.
Do I have to install UERANSIM separately or is it installed when docker project is cloned ?
Anyway, I will install free5gc and ueransim on different vms and I need help with configuration to modify either in the files cloned from docker or in the configuration of custom-gnb and custom-ue.

I did the test on a single vm but I could not connect gNB to the network:

Could you please help me with my setup ?


If you run docker with our free5gc-compose.yaml, AMF will use static IP You can change a IP address and try again.

Additionally, in free5gc-compose, we also run UERANSIM in a container. GNB automatically starts when this container is launched. Therefore, you can directly modify gnb configuration file in config/gnbcfg.yaml.

Thank you

I am about to start the two-VM config as I am writing this comment.
I also tested the “all-in-one” docker solution and could get an attach this morning.
Installation steps: 0 compose - free5GC
I configured another adapter on the VM which sets this address
enp0s8: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
For the one-VM docker solution I don’t know if it mandatory but I added this address anyway.
I know it will be mandatory when I install UERANSIM on a second VM.
Now back to this morning test:

  • Docker installs ueransim on the same vm and implements WebUI (
  • On WebUI, in subscirbers menu I hit “Create” to add the subsriber UE, everything was set automatically, I did no modification. I just made sure it is the same info in the ue config file and validated.
  • the commands to test :
    $ sudo docker exec -it ueransim bash #execute ueransim bash
    root@70b30a1e25f3:~# cat /ueransim/config/uecfg.yaml # check the UE config file
    root@host:/ueransim# ./nr-ue -c config/uecfg.yaml #run the UE

Best Regards