Instrumenting free5GC with OpenTelemetry

Hello there,

Are you interested in instrumenting the HTTP part of free5GC?

Each NF in free5GC is implemented as a microservice, it is possible to use OpenTelemetry to trace interactions between them in detail. I am working on improving observability of 5G networks.

Would providing such implementations and usecases be beneficial to the community?

I am also engaged in activities like those in the following link to explore whether OpenTelemetry can improve the observability of 5G.


We are welcome for any research or experiment!
There are many research done or doing so far using free5GC, so I think it may help if there are more resources in every kind.

Thank you for your response.
Once we have summarized the content, I will share the resources with you.

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Thanks! That sounds great.
We look forward to your summarized content and seeing how it can enhance the current resources for free5GC.

since there haven’t any replies from you, we decide to close this topic.
If you have any further questions about this topic, please message the admin or create another topic.

Best regards,