Kubernetes deployment using helm charts

towards5gs-helm open source project was recently published on Orange open source github. It enables to deploy and test using Helm a 5G network on the Kubernetes platform, based on Free5GC for the core network and UERANSIM to simulate the access network (gNB) and user equipment (EU).
I remain at your disposal for any questions or comments.

Thanks to both Free5GC and UERANSIM teams.

Really appreciate for your use of free5GC, and we will definitely do hard to make free5GC more complete in return.

Thank you too for your efforts! And thanks to all Free5GC and UERANSIM communities

Hello thanks for making the Fee5GC available on K8s.

I have been able to install the both Free5GC and UERANSIM - but am not able to locate documentation on how to use this.

Also I will be interested in connecting gNB directly to AMF of the Free5GC - any documentation around this will be helpful.

Hello @miftahur

The doc is located at https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/towards5gs-helm/tree/main/docs with some demo examples. Some Helm charts contain a Readme file with instructions and parameters that you can override. I will have to update the doc following a recent updates of all Helm charts. Feel free to ask and describe your desired scenario via github issues.
