Missing database table for UDR

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if there should be a database table called subscriptionData.identityData?

The tables that I have are:

I can see that in the data_repository file, for udr, there are some tables/collName that are listed in mongodb but many aren’t.

Thank you for your help.

Hello, would you mind providing more details, including the version of free5GC you are currently using and any specific error messages you have encountered?
Thank you!

Hi @elisa,

I was trying to convert SUPI to GPSI from udm id-translation-result endpoint. However, it is only supported for GPSI to SUPI since free5gc is based on release 15 and not the later ones, which takes in a ueId instead of GPSI. Since I currently only needed GPSI extid I could generate it from SUPI, but I wanted to see if the database had stored GPSI ueId. Then I saw that the database table which the udr identity-data endpoint, which udm uses, did not exist. The udr endpoint specify that it takes a ueId and not a gpsi which udm does. So thought that I could give the SUPI imsi ueId but the table was not created.

My setup is Setup:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • kernel: 5.4.0-147-generic
  • 32 cores
  • 64GB memory
    f- ree5gc-compose: commit hash f726cdd2c80c18a4fcce33fcfcd007844d39e74d (recent)


  1. Create subscriber and UE with imsi-208930000000002
  2. From ueransim container curl -X GET udr:8000/nudr-dr/v1/subscription-data/imsi-208930000000002/identity-data the responce is then {"title":"Data not found","status":404,"cause":"DATA_NOT_FOUND"}

Thank you for your help!

Hello, we are currently in the process of implementing the functionality that converts SUPI to GPSI. We plan to provide an update on this in the near future.