N3IWF UE ping DN failed

I use free5gc n3iwf to link to our core, and use free5gc ue simulator TestNon3GPPUE in non3gpp_test.go, now the ue registration and pdu session establishment is passed, I will do icmp ping to remote DN.
Bu the ping is failed, I see that in TestNon3GPPUE, create gre tunnel 0 interface, and allocate the UE ip to it, and I follow the same method, but looks like invalid.
The ping gtp(icmp) not send out, since I have not capture the ping echo request, I do not know why. I chenged the non3gpp_test.go like this:

// Set GRE interface up
	if err := netlink.LinkSetUp(linkGRE); err != nil {
	// Add route
	upRoute := &netlink.Route{
		LinkIndex: linkGRE.Attrs().Index,
		Dst: &net.IPNet{
			IP:   net.IPv4zero,
			Mask: net.IPv4Mask(0, 0, 0, 0),
	t.Logf("#### upRoute: %+v", upRoute)
	if err := netlink.RouteAdd(upRoute); err != nil {
	defer func() {
		_ = netlink.LinkSetDown(linkGRE)
		_ = netlink.LinkDel(linkGRE)
	// Ping remote, remote ip mask is configured in UPF???
	pinger, err := ping.NewPinger("")
	if err != nil {

How about provide some pcap file capture from your UE, N3IWF, and UPF?

please look at the pcap file captured in UEns and host, looks like that the icmp echo reqeust is not received in n3iwf Nwuup: I added some log in below function, but nothing printed out: ReadFrom retur nnothing. UEns.pcap (7.3 KB) default_ns.pcap (447.8 KB) upf.pcap (36.8 KB)
func listenAndServe(rawSocket *ipv4.RawConn) {
defer func() {
err := rawSocket.Close()
if err != nil {
nwuupLog.Errorf(“Error closing raw socket: %+v”, err)

          buffer := make([]byte, 65535)

          for {
                         ipHeader, ipPayload, _, err := rawSocket.ReadFrom(buffer)  //here read nothing from gre tunnel interface
                         nwuupLog.Tracef("Read %d bytes", len(ipPayload))
                         if err != nil {
                                       nwuupLog.Errorf("Error read from raw socket: %+v", err)

                         forwardData := make([]byte, len(ipPayload[4:]))
                         copy(forwardData, ipPayload[4:])

                         go forward(ipHeader.Src.String(), forwardData)


Why the icmp packet on UEns didn’t encapsulate into gtp packet?

here is my configuration in UEns and host, ip address and ip link and route:
please help to look at what is my problem:
ip_address_ip_link_route_in_UEns_host.txt (9.0 KB)

Any update for this question? Looking forward to your reply

another question: I see you use the gtp golang pkg to send the message, WriteToGTP, but not incude the gtp extension header, I want to contains the gtp extension header in gtpu message, since I want to contain the QFI in extension header, How can I change the code? can I change the golang gtp pkg?