'netstat' in AMF container not showing sctp port and how it can be connected to external UERANSIM

Using ‘GitHub - sumichaaan/free5gc-k8s: Dockerized Free5gc and Kubernetes Manifests’ for f5gc installation, the amf service is in ‘Running’ state but ‘netstat’ command execution in AMF container is not showing sctp port, only tcp port is showing.

Inside AMF-container:
/free5gc/amf # netstat -a
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0 :::29518 :::* LISTEN
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path
/free5gc/amf #

I reached this point, as I wanted to connect external UERANSIM to this 5gc setup using free5gc-k8s. And while adding ‘nodePort’ in amf-server yaml file, the sctp-port was not visible on the host machine as well.

Your tool may not be able to check sctp session.
An Alternative way is to install iproute2 in amf container, i.e apk add iproute2,
and check sctp port by ss --sctp.