Hi when I want to access web console I have the following problem when running the web console server. Can someone help me? I have made this installation with docker compose
ubuntu@5gc-1-5gcore-vnfd-vm-1:~/free5gc$ ./webconsole/bin/webconsole
2021-05-27T15:46:33Z [INFO][WebUI][App] webui
2021-05-27T15:46:33Z [INFO][WebUI][App] webconsole version:
free5GC version: v3.0.5
build time: 2021-05-27T15:25:55Z
commit hash: +7da0c48
commit time: 2021-02-09T05:24:53Z
go version: go1.14.4 linux/amd64
2021-05-27T15:46:33Z [WARN][WebUI][Init] Webconsole config without log level setting!!!
2021-05-27T15:46:33Z [INFO][WebUI][Init] Server started
2021-05-27T15:47:03Z [FATA][LIB][MonDB] server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr: localhost:27017, Type: Unknown, State: Connected, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() : dial tcp [::1]:27017: connect: connection refused }, ] }