i don’t know if am right here, but I am gonna ask aynway and you deccide and may delete my topic.
But let me explain myself. I am kinda new to 5G and trying to understand if for selfstudy purposes.
I have seen that you (free5GC) provided a sample pcap for a github repository (5g trace visualizer, here is the link: 5g-trace-visualizer/free5gc.pcap at ac5ee159c7d947576e4590c97c46bcabbd7adebe · telekom/5g-trace-visualizer · GitHub ). It is a pcap, which shows mainly the NGAP (N2 Interace). It helped me unterstanding the N2 interace. However I would like to proof, if understood a UE to gNB initial access procedure. So basically my question is, if it would be possible for someone to provide me with a 5G pcap, that contains an Initial Access Procedure, so i can take a closer look in wireshark at it and proof my knowledge.
Again I apologize, if this forum is the wrong location for such question. But since you provided this one pcap, as mentioned before, I would try my luck.
Thanks for reading.