Suggestion for adjusting hardcode and question

1.There are many hardcode, the conf file does not take effect after modifying the SBI port 29510 of nrf.
such as ‘free5gc/src/nrf/management/api_management.go’,
uri := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s%s%s", factory.NrfConfig.Configuration.Sbi.Scheme, IP, “:29510”, “/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances/”, nfprofile.NfInstanceId)

2.and the ip of the href in the mongodb urilist is ‘DefaultServiceIP’(nrf ip?),not the nf service producer’s IP?

Yes, we’ll check what we can work of to make it into configure setting in the next release.

I’m not quite get it, could you please describe more details?

Thanks a lot

I think this question is similar to this issue.

Maybe we can collect all hardcode bugs in this GitHub issue and then we can gradually fix it?

I deployed 10 vm, and each vm deployed a nf function. I will gradually test to find the problem, and then submit.

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