Tecnical Specification misalignment

Hi everyone,
with my team i need to use some of SBI API for a research project. Doing so i notice that some APIs are misalignment from the standard specification.
For examples:

UDM_SDM - Slice Selection Subscription Data Retrieval
Api_path: /nudm-sdm/v1/{supi}/nssai
In this api the plmn_id should be optional, but if i omit it the query does not work
For examples:

NRF_NFM - NF Instancesl
Api_path: {apiRoot}/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instaces
In this api the limit and nf-type should be optional but if i omit it the query does not work. In addition, specifying the two parameters the result is not formatted as standard suggests.

Result AS-IS:
“nfType”: ,
“_link”: […]
“_links”: […],

I would like to know if this is due to implementation status, and this misalignment are going to be fixed in future or not. With my team we could help to align some of them if needed.

Thank you,

HI, @DendoD96
Please provide more info. about UDM, UDR, and HTTP response when you request the APIs.

UDM_SDM - Slice Selection Subscription Data Retrieval

I trace the code in the openapi, UDM, and UDR.
The plmn_id is optional indeed in UDM.
However, UDM will call the following API when getting nssai from UDR.
It would be unlikely to get NSSAI without PLMN ID through UDM working like a UDR proxy.
If the request omits plmn_id, the data cannot be retrievable from UDR.

NRF_NFM - NF Instances

In the TS29.510 Table about URI query parameters of Nnrf_NFDiscovery:

target-nf-type and requester-nf-type are labeled as mandatory.

Therefore, the NF type has to be presented.

Of course, PRs are welcome.