Temporary failure in name resolution for calee/sctp

Hi Team ,
I installed free5gc freshly but when I try to run Non3GPP test case , I see its not able to resolve package reference for calee/sctp, I see below error ,

2021-06-14T17:39:59Z [INFO][N3IWF][NGAP] [N3IWF] Handle NG Setup Response
go: git.cs.nctu.edu.tw/calee/[email protected]: Get “https://proxy.golang.org/git.cs.nctu.edu.tw/calee/sctp/@v/v1.1.0.mod”: dial tcp: lookup proxy.golang.org: Temporary failure in name resolution
2021-06-14T17:40:06Z [INFO][UPF][Util] Removing DNN routes
ls: cannot access ‘*sslkey.log’: No such file or directory
signal: terminated
2021-06-14T17:40:07Z [INFO][AMF

I tried putting different link test/go.mod but even I face same error , can anyone please suggest what can be done to resolve this .


Hi, Sarfraj
It seems to name resolution error. You may check your /etc/resolv.conf and add nameserver
Save the changes and restart the systemd-resolved:
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
and try again to run Non3GPP test case.