Ueransim integration with free5gc and internet connectivity

Integrating free5gc with URERANSIM is done successfully and the interface uetunsim0 is also generated but while trying
"ping -I uetunsim0 google.com "
the packets are not being sent
following the below link:
| free5GC
May I know how to solve this problem?

Thank you,
Sindhu Pitta.

Dear @sindhu27,

I noticed that your network interface name is uetunsim0, is it correct, or uesimtun0?
Moreover, you can use tcpdump command to trace the packet flow :slight_smile:


Hi @Shanola,

Thank you for your reply.
The network interface name is uesimtun0 only
The interface got created but when I try ping I couldn’t see the packets.
I captured logs using tcpdump and check the packet flow, could see that there is no response.

Attaching the pcap file below.
log.pcap (2.1 KB)


Hi Team,

Still couldn’t perform the ping operation.
“ping -I uesimtun0 google.com
Can someone help us with the issue?

Thank you
Sindhu Pitta.

Dear @sindhu27,

I wonder where the packets go?
You can try tcpdump in each interface of every component (e.g., gnb, upf).
If packet stops at UPF, make sure you have set up the networking rules correctly as follows:

$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <N6_interface> -j MASQUERADE
$ systemctl stop ufw
$ iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT


Thank you.
will update after trying and checking.


I have tried setting network rules again and checked but still couldn’t see the packets
Attaching the pcap files after running on gnb/ue, and upf side.
gnb.pcap (2.7 KB) upf.pcap (568.4 KB)

Thank you,
Sindhu pitta.

After capturing the logs and checking couldn’t trace the error.
Can someone help me with this problem?

Thank you,
Sindhu pitta.

hi @sindhu27,
I was wondering that you had ping free5gc to see if it worked?
And did you set the N6 interface correctly when setting the network rules? :wink:

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Hello, I have also encountered this problem. The previous process can run normally, but it will fail when ping -I uesimtun0 baidu.com is executed in the last step. The following error log will appear on the command line of the free5gc virtual machine.:[ERRO][N3IWF][NGAP] [SCTP] DialSCTP(): connection timed out

Hello @machi12,
Do you have the same situation as this problem?

Please try to see if this can solve your problem, thank you!

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