Unable to establish PDU session with real UE/radio - Core 3.2.1

We are running free5gc 3.2.1
We have E/// radio and two UEs Asus and GP
Registration is not a problem…It complains in PDU session
pcap and free5gc amf and smf logs attached

In QXDM log there is UL_DCCH / Security Mode Failure
UE then goes into multiple RACH attempts
Although prior to that the RRC setup was complete but after multiple RACH it get another RRC config but no RRC reconfig or UE capability

PDUSessionResourceSetupResponseTransfer failed: Get bits overflow, requireBits: 8, leftBits: 5"
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=info msg=“Handle Initial Context Setup Failure”

Free 5GC log :
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=info msg=“Handle Initial Context Setup Failure” amf_ue_ngap_id=“AMF_UE_NGAP_ID:21” category=NGAP component=AMF ran_addr=“”
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=trace msg=“Send PDUSessionResourceSetupUnsuccessfulTransfer to SMF” amf_ue_ngap_id=“AMF_UE_NGAP_ID:21” category=NGAP component=AMF ran_addr=“”
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=info msg=“Receive Update SM Context Request” category=PduSess component=SMF
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=info msg=“In HandlePDUSessionSMContextUpdate” category=PduSess component=SMF
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=trace msg="[SMF] Binary Data N1 SmMessage is nil!" category=PduSess component=SMF
time=“2022-10-05T22:13:11Z” level=error msg=“Handle PDUSessionResourceSetupResponseTransfer failed: Get bits overflow, requireBits: 8, leftBits: 5” category=PduSess component=SMFUE-PCAP-FREE5GC-LOGS.zip (1.6 MB)