Good afternoon everyone,
I’ll write a brief description of the purpose of my work to see if you can help me.
#Start of description
1.1 Latency: Refers to the time it takes a data packet to travel from a point of origin to a point of destination. This delay, often measured in milliseconds, is a critical measure of a network’s response speed.
1.2. Delay: Synonym for latency. -
2.1. We assume that there is an XR Server application, running perfectly on a MEC server in the DN waiting for a connection request to start a video stream.
2.2. We assume that there is an XR Client application, running and working perfectly on a physical UE and is capable of requesting connection with the XR Server, at this point the transmission session has not yet been established.
2.3. We assume that all components described in the topology are fully functional.
2.4. We assume that given the nature of the XR application and the organized topology, the application has metrics that measure application latency more accurately.
2.5. We assume that the initial registration/creation of the PDU session to start communication between the client application and the server goes through UERANSIM and free5gc. -
Use case:
Initially route from the physical UE to the XR Server once the session is established, the reads meet the latency requirements of the application and the video transmission begins accordingly. At a certain point, traffic is injected into the network that directly impacts the application’s performance, degrading the user experience due to increased latency. Based on the new latency readings, the UE requests a route change in an attempt to improve the performance of the XR application. -
4.1. What is the correct and appropriate procedure for cloning the code version and using VSCode to perform the implementations and try to contribute?
4.2. In the context of my use case, does creating a “new route” mean creating a new PDU session?
4.3. I’m using free5gc 3.3.0, does it support a request to create a new PDU session dynamically?
4.4. If so, what is the correct call sequence (API) so that I can make this request?
4.5. If possible, how can I identify this change?