While running in ULCL configuration, Is it possible to change the uerouting behaviour without restarting the free5gc core?

Hi there,
I am trying to execute a use case where I change the ue routing parameters while the network is runnig.
For example, before the change, if IP is pinged from ue1 it would be routed to anchor UPF1. and when certain condition is met I want to change this behavior and send the pings to the same IP from the same ue1 to be routed to anchor UPF2.
Is this possible?
When I tried changing the uerouting.yaml, the behavior did not change. I even tried restarting SMF alone, but the behaviour still did not change. The behaviour only changes when I restart the entire network.
Any solutions/work arounds are welcome

Hi @manoj1919,
Sorry, you are right, now the only way to update ue_routing settings is restart the entire core network. Maybe we will support other methods in the future.

Oneal Lee